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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> How to post thumbnails in the forums
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08/29/2005 03:28:30 PM · #1
Seems like a lot of folks are having difficulty posting thumbnails in the forums and since it's not covered in the forum code how-to tutorial, I thought I'd post an explanation.

This only works if you are a DPC member and have your photos hosted on DPChallenge.com. If you are hosting your photos elsewhere, refer to the forum code tutorial for instructions.

First, go to the page for the photo you want to post. At the end of the url, you'll find the image ID number. Copy just the number.

Next, return to the forums and bring up the reply box. Right above the text box is a group of five icons. Choose the one on the far right () that says "Insert Thumbnail Link to Site Image.)

This will bring up a small pop-up box asking for the image ID. Paste the ID that you copied earlier from your photo page. Note that it's just the ID number, not the entire URL.

After you hit okay, your code will be entered into your message. It always put it at the bottom of any text you've already entered, regardless of where your cursor was, so you may have to cut and paste if you want the thumbnail to appear somewhere else.

If you click on "preview," you'll be able to see what your thumbnail looks like.

Hope this helps!

Message edited by ClubJuggle - Screenshot links updated to new file structure.
08/29/2005 03:32:32 PM · #2
Some people learned from my cheesy example:(
and comments too :)

Message edited by author 2005-08-29 15:33:25.
08/29/2005 05:28:23 PM · #3
Can anyone do the same explanation for How to post a thumbnail in my bio? It doesn't seem to work (there's no icons to do it the easy way, and I suspect that my French Canadian keyboard is being misinterpreted by the system...).
08/29/2005 11:27:55 PM · #4
Thumbnails in the bio are a little more complicated. I'm going to try and explain it without screenshots but let me know if you need more help.

The first thing you're going to do is find the thumbnail of the shot you want, right click on it and choose properties. This will bring up the location of the thumbnail file. Copy and paste the url that's under "image properties" (not the one under "link properties.") It will end in .jpg. Save that url somewhere.

Now go to the page that the fullsize image is on. Copy the url at the top of the page.

Now, the code in your profile is going to look like this (take out the spaces after the brackets):

[ url=//linktofullphotopagehere][ img]//linktothumbnailfilehere.jpg][ /img][ /url]

For example:

[ url=//dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=26626][ img]//images.dpchallenge.com/images_portfolio/70/thumb/26626.jpg[ /img][ /url]

brings up
08/29/2005 11:39:40 PM · #5
Originally posted by Louison:

Can anyone do the same explanation for How to post a thumbnail in my bio? It doesn't seem to work (there's no icons to do it the easy way, and I suspect that my French Canadian keyboard is being misinterpreted by the system...).

How I did mines:

1) Use the method as described above(top) and post thumbnails in a forum
2) Go into Edit for that post.
3) Copy all the info from that forum and paste to bio.
4) Remember to press Save at the bottom of the preference window.

It's best to find one of those test forums which someone started and post to those and repost to it everytime you change. You can use the Preview button to see what it looks like so not to repost.

Message edited by author 2005-08-29 23:41:49.
08/30/2005 05:52:03 PM · #6
OK, mk's instructions led to the whole html instructions being written on my page (as it did before, hence my suspicion about my keyboard), so I will try faidoi's trick now. Pardon me for trying this in this forum, but I think it's the best place, since we're talking about this.

So here goes...

Louison @ Better Photo

Message edited by author 2005-08-31 11:01:51.
08/30/2005 05:55:15 PM · #7
faidoi, you are a genius!

08/30/2005 05:59:50 PM · #8
Incidentally, the string of code you had on your profile previously had been written incorrectly [ i/img] instead of [ /img] which would cause it to not work. Glad you got it worked out. :)
08/30/2005 06:02:10 PM · #9
Originally posted by mk:

Incidentally, the string of code you had on your profile previously had been written incorrectly [ i/img] instead of [ /img] which would cause it to not work. Glad you got it worked out. :)

Thanks so much to you, mk, for taking the time to explain all this. You are a genius too (only my computer doesn't understand your genius!


Message edited by author 2005-08-30 18:02:27.
09/27/2005 01:17:44 PM · #10
Like this?

09/27/2005 01:18:17 PM · #11
yay me! I did it!
02/12/2006 11:13:40 PM · #12
You have to have an account on DPC first right? and you have to pay to get an account? pay to play?

Message edited by author 2006-02-12 23:13:54.
02/12/2006 11:15:56 PM · #13
Originally posted by BowerR64:

You have to have an account on DPC first right? and you have to pay to get an account? pay to play?

Right. The tutorial for linking to offsite photos is linked in the first post.
06/17/2006 12:33:54 PM · #14
Mee too :)
09/01/2006 11:05:29 AM · #15
It worked!!! GENIUS!
09/01/2006 11:57:17 AM · #16
Originally posted by faidoi:

Originally posted by Louison:

Can anyone do the same explanation for How to post a thumbnail in my bio? It doesn't seem to work (there's no icons to do it the easy way, and I suspect that my French Canadian keyboard is being misinterpreted by the system...).

How I did mines:

1) Use the method as described above(top) and post thumbnails in a forum
2) Go into Edit for that post.
3) Copy all the info from that forum and paste to bio.
4) Remember to press Save at the bottom of the preference window.

It's best to find one of those test forums which someone started and post to those and repost to it everytime you change. You can use the Preview button to see what it looks like so not to repost.

This is how I learned. Also, I think that you can start the thread, practice, preview, but don't post and no one will ever know you started a thread to get your code.

Does that make sense?
09/01/2006 12:33:55 PM · #17
THumbs work in your profile now anyway :)
09/01/2006 12:54:55 PM · #18
Originally posted by Konador:

THumbs work in your profile now anyway :)

Yes they do!
Much easier than all that code..

09/01/2006 01:41:28 PM · #19
I'm testing!


PS. I'll take any comments on the image too! :)
09/01/2006 01:42:33 PM · #20
Thank you so much MK!!!
09/02/2006 12:32:33 AM · #21
09/02/2006 12:34:32 AM · #22
Thanks!I'm new at this forum stuff.
09/05/2006 09:43:35 PM · #23

cool, ;-)
09/07/2006 05:28:44 PM · #24
Just trying to learn so sorry for this.

Got it, never mind

Message edited by author 2006-09-07 17:29:12.
09/28/2006 09:48:04 AM · #25
I followed the instructions at the top of the page to post pic in forum but my comment went as a reply under my pic in the browse photos... where did I go wrong?
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