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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Are there really people out there who genuinely...
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09/16/2012 11:35:40 AM · #1
..believe that the world is going to end on the 21st Dec this year?

I've just heard something on the radio that has now led me to read up on it a bit more and there are hundreds of thousands of people who really believe it.

Maybe a good idea for a challenge?!

Any of you lot believe this horses*it?
09/16/2012 11:43:42 AM · #2
sure do
09/16/2012 11:50:11 AM · #3
Nah, can't end until we get the last installment of The Hobbit, and that won't be for a year or two, depending on how they finally decide to split it up.

There are also people who believe yoga and karate are direct and real threats to Christianity, yoga because of its "Hindu underpinnings". Amazing what you can find on the web... but that was based on a conversation I had with someone who truly believes yoga is evil. Yoga.

So yeah, now that you mention it, the world ending on the 21st isn't all that far-fetched, now is it? Timothy's photograph makes me anticipate it joyously, however!
09/16/2012 12:26:03 PM · #4
09/16/2012 12:35:59 PM · #5
There is going to be lots of fire.....All the volcanoes in the world are going to blow then the earthquakes will come...then the worst part. The alien invasion. Come on Art I am sure you have a pic to back this up
09/16/2012 12:36:23 PM · #6
Originally posted by Melethia:

Nah, can't end until we get the last installment of The Hobbit, and that won't be for a year or two, depending on how they finally decide to split it up.

I back this 100%
09/16/2012 01:11:47 PM · #7
There are thousands that believe in all sorts of thing... Tens of Millions believe in imaginary beings.... As someone famous said once... It ain't what you don't know but it's what you know that just ain't so... or something like that.

Besides... I believe this is mostly credited with the Mayans who didn't recognize the Spanish as the er... civilization changing event they came to be :-) As a computer programmer I know what happened... They used up the stone/table/chisel they had and went meh... In release 2 we will continue the bits we missed and we won't work here by then :-)

Anyone is free to xfer all their $$ to me the day before - no refunds in the very small chance your wrong :-)
09/16/2012 01:36:15 PM · #8
Originally posted by Simms:

..believe that the world is going to end on the 21st Dec this year?

I've just heard something on the radio that has now led me to read up on it a bit more and there are hundreds of thousands of people who really believe it.

Maybe a good idea for a challenge?!

Any of you lot believe this horses*it?

I will wait for a confirming bulletin on Fox News

Message edited by author 2012-09-16 13:36:57.
09/16/2012 01:53:43 PM · #9
I/We have chosen the date to get married, win-win if you ask me :D
09/16/2012 02:39:12 PM · #10
Now I am confused, I thought it was 21 December LAST year? No wonder we are still around! And then of course what happened to Dec 31st 1999 (or was that Jan 1st 2000?)?

And, although I am not 100% sure, I think there was another date between 2000 and 2010 ... something they calculated/interpreted from Nostredamus' books I think?

Ghee, lots of missed dates already ...

09/16/2012 03:06:51 PM · #11
The latest I saw...and I can't remember where, was 3 movies 1 year apart starting this year. So...we're probably good until 2014.

Originally posted by Melethia:

Nah, can't end until we get the last installment of The Hobbit, and that won't be for a year or two, depending on how they finally decide to split it up.
09/16/2012 03:19:47 PM · #12
Originally posted by PGerst:

The latest I saw...and I can't remember where, was 3 movies 1 year apart starting this year. So...we're probably good until 2014.

Originally posted by Melethia:

Nah, can't end until we get the last installment of The Hobbit, and that won't be for a year or two, depending on how they finally decide to split it up.

Yup, this is such a double edged balde - on the one hand I love Peter Jacksons vision of Middle Earth & the original films, but on the other hand how on earth are they going to stretch a book shorter than any single book in the LOTR trilogy in a further three films, clearly a cash grab. Is there any material between Hobbit & LOTR that I am missing? I know the Silmarillion is out there, but in a completely different age/timeframe and nothing to do with these (although I haven't read it).. I fear that what we will get will be, and I quote Bilbo here "Thin. Sort of stretched, like... butter scraped over too much bread."

Message edited by author 2012-09-16 15:20:39.
09/16/2012 04:25:58 PM · #13
The best thing I read about this a few months ago is that the mayan calendar conversion that predicts this year did not account for leap years--so, even if it did predict such a thing, correcting for leap years means the date which it predicted has long since passed. So, even if someone believes it, they could now relax. :D
09/16/2012 06:32:31 PM · #14
I was quite surprised when I heard there were going to be 3 movies. I had figured just 1.

Originally posted by Simms:

but on the other hand how on earth are they going to stretch a book shorter than any single book in the LOTR trilogy
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