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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Yet another religious rant...
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02/03/2013 05:35:40 PM · #1
So, my mother just spent a week in a Catholic hospital. She almost died from internal bleeding because her regular doctor told her she had the flu. But that's not what this thread is about. While in the hospital, she was offered communion and replied that she couldn't take it because she had been excommunicated. When questioned about why she explained it was because she married outside the church (married a man of a different religion (Episcopal)). Then she was told that since that doesn't matter anymore, she could fill out a form, pay an $800 fee and be re-instated so she could receive communion. I can't tell you what she said then, but suffice it to say, it wasn't very nice.

So this begs the question again... is it about God or Money?
02/03/2013 05:53:36 PM · #2
Is it even a question?

Religion is a tool for consolidation of power and money.
02/03/2013 05:59:47 PM · #3
Sorry to hear about your mom, Kelli - hope she's doing better!
02/03/2013 06:01:19 PM · #4
I can't speak about my thoughts on religion affairs, i could be banned from DPC... But, yes, it'about money, from two thousend years..
02/03/2013 06:02:37 PM · #5
Originally posted by Melethia:

Sorry to hear about your mom, Kelli - hope she's doing better!

Thanks Deb. She had lost 2 1/2 pints of blood when she passed out at work and got taken by ambulance to the hospital. She came home yesterday, bruised up and still feeling sick, but the bleeding has stopped.
02/03/2013 06:10:58 PM · #6
I'm happy to read that your mom is feeling better Kelli... a hug!
02/03/2013 07:25:48 PM · #7
Originally posted by Kelli:

Originally posted by Melethia:

Sorry to hear about your mom, Kelli - hope she's doing better!

Thanks Deb. She had lost 2 1/2 pints of blood when she passed out at work and got taken by ambulance to the hospital. She came home yesterday, bruised up and still feeling sick, but the bleeding has stopped.

lost 2.5 pints of blood?? whoa!! I'm so glad she's doing better...

As far as the other stuff goes, remember, the Catholic church was also the one that sold indulgences. There are many other denominations that would be happy to give her communion for free.
02/03/2013 07:51:46 PM · #8
Glad your mom will be OK.

Unfortunately, from my perspective, it's about money.
02/03/2013 08:27:00 PM · #9
I have no idea what the $800 fee is all about (seems a bit crazy), but you may be taking a bit of an unbalanced view knowing your mom was receiving care...in a Catholic hospital! Look it up and confirm it is not-for-profit and then ask the question about "is it all about the money?" again.

PS: hope your mom feels better.
02/03/2013 08:39:24 PM · #10
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I have no idea what the $800 fee is all about (seems a bit crazy), but you may be taking a bit of an unbalanced view knowing your mom was receiving care...in a Catholic hospital! Look it up and confirm it is not-for-profit and then ask the question about "is it all about the money?" again.

PS: hope your mom feels better.

Regardless of whether the hospital is for profit or not for profit, asking someone to buy back their option for religious rites seems tacky at the very least.
02/03/2013 08:39:32 PM · #11
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I have no idea what the $800 fee is all about (seems a bit crazy), but you may be taking a bit of an unbalanced view knowing your mom was receiving care...in a Catholic hospital! Look it up and confirm it is not-for-profit and then ask the question about "is it all about the money?" again.

PS: hope your mom feels better.

Most of my family is Catholic. That doesn't bother me. I've received care at that hospital myself though I prefer Cooper (none religious) and use them when given the choice.

Here's their wiki... //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lourdes_Health_System (she was in Camden). I have no idea what one thing has to do with the other though (for or not for profit). The medical care was paid for by insurance. The fee to become un-excommunicated, not. ;D
02/03/2013 08:44:36 PM · #12
Not for profit means they do not distribute any surplus cash as dividends or profits. They are used to further their goals which, in the case of hospitals, is generally to deliver healthcare to the poor.

The point is it that even if this "fee" thing is all about the money (I wish I knew more about it), you were sitting in an institution that at least confirms it isn't ALL about the money.

Message edited by author 2013-02-03 20:46:39.
02/03/2013 08:53:26 PM · #13
"Un-excommunicated"... priceless! :-)
02/03/2013 09:08:43 PM · #14
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Look it up and confirm it is not-for-profit and then ask the question about "is it all about the money?" again.

"Not for profit" is a tax-code definition and merely means that no individual shareholders profit from the corporation's activities, but that doesn't mean that the corporation cannot acquire income/assets far in excess of their actual costs of providing care, nor does it effectively limit the wages and perks available to employees and (especialy) executives. In addition, those "profits" and their property are probably exempt from taxation, so the taxpaying public is helping subsidize their business activities ...

The people who control a corporation's bank accounts and compensation decisions are effectively as "rich" as any other millionaires ...
02/03/2013 09:10:05 PM · #15
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Not for profit means they do not distribute any surplus cash as dividends or profits. They are used to further their goals which, in the case of hospitals, is generally to deliver healthcare to the poor.

The point is it that even if this "fee" thing is all about the money (I wish I knew more about it), you were sitting in an institution that at least confirms it isn't ALL about the money.

That's debatable... //inthesetimes.com/working/entry/13698/california_hospitals_not_for_profit_but_not_for_the_poor/, but not the point.

If I had more info about the fee, I'd tell you. But I don't as she never got past that point in the conversation. My whole point about this was, now in these modern times it doesn't matter who you marry, you won't be excommunicated for it. She basically got booted out of her religion for doing something that is now perfectly fine to do. But if she wants back in she has to pay. I find that pretty bizarre.
02/03/2013 09:17:41 PM · #16
I think it's pretty bizarre too, Kelli. But you threw meat to the wolves and they were piling on ready to declare religion as nothing but Moneychangers and Tax Collectors.
02/03/2013 09:30:57 PM · #17
The LA archdiocese is in the news here (front page today, in fact) but I won't go there. Nothing to do with money, though.

02/03/2013 09:32:49 PM · #18
naw... just saying Catholics did have some history... :)

02/03/2013 09:35:57 PM · #19
Originally posted by vawendy:

naw... just saying Catholics did have some history... :)

Don't worry Wendy. I know you aren't an enemy of religion. ;)
02/03/2013 09:42:02 PM · #20

Anyway, I just looked up a Catholic answer site where someone said that the pope lifted all excommunications regarding this. Now there was a lot of other responses that were obviously not knowledgeable (where people didn't know about the old laws.) But anyway, it may be an interesting thing to track down.

Message edited by author 2013-02-03 21:46:19.
02/03/2013 10:34:44 PM · #21
The secret to not having to rant about Religion is simply to not rant. ONLY look at yourself. If religion can be trusted it would not be run by men; it would be an intimate relationship between you and who you regard as your maker.
Why take my eye off the ball if life itself is MY goal?


who are you to judge me, judge
to say it is heaven or hell?
who are you judging me, judge
you who think god's your pal?
how hard the ceder, the redwood and the mighty baobab
by the ax of man have fell
let that be your judge, my judge
let that be the one to tell.
PJV circa 1991
02/03/2013 10:44:41 PM · #22
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Originally posted by vawendy:

naw... just saying Catholics did have some history... :)

Don't worry Wendy. I know you aren't an enemy of religion. ;)

Religion is religion's biggest enemy.
02/04/2013 02:00:53 AM · #23
Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Originally posted by vawendy:

naw... just saying Catholics did have some history... :)

Don't worry Wendy. I know you aren't an enemy of religion. ;)

Religion is religion's biggest enemy.

You should just play it safe and say man is man's biggest enemy. Both statements contain truth.
02/04/2013 02:02:42 AM · #24
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Originally posted by DrAchoo:

Originally posted by vawendy:

naw... just saying Catholics did have some history... :)

Don't worry Wendy. I know you aren't an enemy of religion. ;)

Religion is religion's biggest enemy.

You should just play it safe and say man is man's biggest enemy. Both statements contain truth.

We weren't talking about man.
02/04/2013 07:43:23 AM · #25
its always been about the church. why do you think some of the dead sea scrolls were never acknowledges as part of the bible, especially those that talk about the supposed teachings of Jesus as saying you don't need the church, any place can be your church.

even as my faith started to fall apart i always enjoyed continuing to go to church, however in my last days the church was really amping up about money collection, i mean over the top. a fiend of mine had a falling out with the same church as his mother was dying of cancer because of a them being more concerned about money than her well being or comfort.

it great people want to be religious and hold strong beliefs, but the church is an entirely different animal, and throughout history has been more to the detriment of mankind than its benefits.

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