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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Cannon SX30 File Issue - unidentified image
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05/03/2013 12:23:04 PM · #1
So I have a cannon sx30 and currently there are 327 photos on the SD card.

I can get up to like photo 274 but when I hit 275 + I get a Question Mark image and it says unidentified image.

However, I can take the same SD card can place it into my reader on my PC and import I see the same issue starting at photo 275. Rather the photo does not show but just an Icon and if I try to open it says it is corrupted.

Any idea how I can go about attempting to uncorrupted the photos?

What can I do to prevent future photos from being corrupted?
05/03/2013 01:31:52 PM · #2
1. If you have a card reader, try dragging the files to a folder on the hard drive rather than "importing" them with any software. Any corrupted files will probably copy over OK, and files beyond the troublesome #275 may be OK after all.

2. You can try using some file-recovery software (a Forum search should turn up several threads with links).

3. Once you are done with any recovery procedures, you should re-format the card in the camera in which you'll use it. I'd be careful though, because once you start getting file corruption there's always a risk of it happening again; it may ultimately be cheaper and less hassle to just replace the card with a new one.
05/03/2013 06:58:52 PM · #3
I found Sandisk's Rescue Pro to work well and be easy to use. I do not recommend using the card more, as the cards I've had that have shown some corruption issues have always shown that afterwards and it will crop up periodically. I use them but only as a last resort. Now, I've never had an issue getting those pictures off with Rescue Pro, but you have to let it run through the entire card each time so it's a real time sucker and not really worth the risk considering the price of cards these days (especially SD).
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