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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Opinions on Olympus Micro 4/3 upgrade?
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08/26/2018 04:35:02 PM · #1
Currently have an Olympus E-PM2, a very good pawn shop find at $250 with two lenses. After upgrading from my kit lenses and purchasing an electronic viewfinder, it appears I will be sticking with the micro 4/3 and am looking at an upgrade to a newer Pen model.

Looking at the E-PL7 or E-PL8, but the E-P5 has also come up as a higher end, but slightly older model that may be worth a look. I don't want to go with the PL-9, as it is too new and pricey for a camera I take risks with.

Any thoughts from Micro 4/3 users? Or even Micro 4/3 haters?

08/27/2018 08:56:08 AM · #2
I haven't had one but I like the EP5 as it has a front and back dial to adjust aperture and shutter. It got an upgrade to stop shutter shock so it should be good there.

Another good purchase would be to look for an EM10 Mark II (prices should be good as it's an older model). Again good placement of two dials to change settings and other quick changes.
Viewfinder built in and a flash and still nice and compact. Also nice not having to have the viewfinder on top (which tends to make an otherwise small camera seem quite large) and you could sell the viewfinder and recoup a bit of the money towards the em10ii.

I did have an epl5. It was nice and small but that's where the friendship ended. I did have a viewfinder but I prefer to have one built in.

Here is a size comparison to show how small the em10ii is

Size comparison

Hope that helps a bit.
08/27/2018 08:26:30 PM · #3
Thanks, that size comparison is useful. The Om-D had looked to be smaller DSLR sized from it's form, but with the viewfinder mounted on a Pen, they are about the same. I'll add that to my research list.

The small size is important as I travel a lot for work. I usually take my Canon G7X, but want the option of the M4/3 when I know I will have good photo ops on a trip.
08/27/2018 09:03:44 PM · #4
Do you find you use that autofocus targeting pad feature? It sounds useful.
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