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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Event / Concerts ... 1 lens or 2?
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09/06/2018 11:26:19 AM · #1
I may have a new side gig shooting on-stage music events.

My current setup is a Nikon D500 with my longest fast lens being 17-50mm Tamron 2.8 which naturally due to the cropped sensor has a max reach equivalent of a 75mm. My prime 90mm is broken but regardless I'm thinking I will need a zoom of some kind to allow for a variety of shots.
So I'm looking to invest in a longer DX-capable fast (2.8 or faster) lens for event photography. Specifically I will be shooting between 20-100 ft + in low-light … and am eyeing the Sigma 50-100 1.8 for the simple fact that it seems to be one of the fastest zoom lenses out there.

And for those in the Mirrorless club: feel free to sell me on a setup that would be silent. Not that I want a completely new setup, but I am curious. Frankly, I know pretty much ZIP about the latest mirrorless hardware but these events I will be shooting will often require me to be very quiet. So in lieu of adding a sound-muffling cover, my mind is open.

All thoughts appreciated. Thx.

Message edited by author 2018-09-06 11:28:56.
09/06/2018 11:51:18 AM · #2
Disclaimer: I am not an event photographer, thought I have done a little bit of it.

I think this is clearly a two-lens scenario. You'll want fast and wide for capturing the stage environment, and fast and moderately long for more intimate imagery of the performers. At the distances you're talking about, and with a 1.5x crop camera, the 17-50 may be *just* wide enough, but may leave you wanting some more coverage. For the longer end, a 70-200 equivalent would be ideal, and ideally have IS (VR) as well. The Sigma 50-100 seems like a really interesting option; maybe a little short on the long end, and no VR, but 1.8 makes for some interesting possibilities!
09/06/2018 11:58:37 AM · #3
You might want to PM Cynthia Hurt...she's the official photographer for the band Chicago, or has at least been that, off an on.

09/06/2018 03:06:37 PM · #4
Thank you both.
I sent Cynthia a PM.

Originally posted by Neil:

You might want to PM Cynthia Hurt...she's the official photographer for the band Chicago, or has at least been that, off an on.

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