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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Movie Review: The Village
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07/30/2004 09:41:09 PM · #1
Just got home from seeing this and all I can say is I want my money back.

the trailers and commercials make this to be a thrillr/horror flick. I was not held in suspense, I almost fell asleep, and I kept wondering when the flick was going to get good.

So I you want to see it stay home and save your money andwait for it to come out on one of the cable channels in 6 months.

07/30/2004 09:47:35 PM · #2
Heh, the Houston Chronicle gave it an A in todays paper. But they never been the best reviewers.
07/30/2004 09:52:00 PM · #3
Thanks for the review. I hate wasting my money.
07/30/2004 09:57:07 PM · #4
His movies tend to be a lot deeper than the average movie and can often take a few viewings to really 'get' it. On the other hand he's batting 3 out of 3 going into this one and so it's possible for him to hit a bad one too.
07/30/2004 09:58:05 PM · #5
oooh...i have to disagree, jab...i saw it this afternoon and i loved it! a little different than i expected but still very enjoyable.

Message edited by author 2004-07-30 22:00:55.
07/30/2004 10:00:45 PM · #6
I liked his films before his head expanded to gargantuan proportions and he felt he should 'Brand' all of his creations with his name as the primary line of the marquee.
07/30/2004 10:20:55 PM · #7
i've found that people's opionions of movies vary so much, that i generally just see for myself if it is good or bad. i do, however, sometimes like to get opinons on rentals, especially if it's one of the ones that slid thru the vacuous cracks of mainstream hollywood blockbusters. there are of course the old reliable sites like imdb and rotten tomatoes...but sometimes just for laughs i like to see what mr. cranky has to say. although he doesn't like much, and only begrudgingly if so, he writes the most hilarious reviews i have ever read. :)
07/30/2004 11:42:40 PM · #8
anyone see harold and kumar yet? it looks amazing.
07/30/2004 11:46:49 PM · #9
looks like we have a stinker
07/30/2004 11:47:33 PM · #10
best movie reviews ever... imdb.com
07/31/2004 01:41:21 AM · #11
I just came back from seeing it.

It is not a horror or terror flick by any means... but it is thought provoking and, I thought, interesting.

To each their own!
07/31/2004 03:11:04 AM · #12
My boyfriend went today and when I said that I would NEVER see it (because the trailers and commercials made it out to be a thriller/suspense movie and I HATE them) he told me the story.

It sounded so stupid that I laughed. Several times. I'm sorry, it just doesn't work for me at all.
07/31/2004 06:27:53 AM · #13
It's pretty rare that I'll disagree with the reviewers for The Guardian. If I want to know if I'll enjoy a movie or not, that's where I go.
07/31/2004 08:35:31 AM · #14
//www.RottenTomatoes.com only gave The Village a rating of 45% out of 100%. As a personal rule, I usually only watch movies that hit 70%+ on DVD and 80%+ in Theatres.

45% is pretty flippin' bad and rottentomatoes hasn't let me down yet. Just don't go wandering in there without a pop-up blocker.
07/31/2004 04:18:18 PM · #15
Originally posted by PerezDesignGroup:

//www.RottenTomatoes.com only gave The Village a rating of 45% out of 100%. As a personal rule, I usually only watch movies that hit 70%+ on DVD and 80%+ in Theatres.

45% is pretty flippin' bad and rottentomatoes hasn't let me down yet. Just don't go wandering in there without a pop-up blocker.

Well, how are you ever going to know if you're going to like it? 45% while not being all that great, is about half, which is what a film like this gets a lot. Love it or hate it, and if you don't see it, you'll never know which side you're on.

And what you have to look at on rottentomatoes is the rating. Because you'll find some films, are getting mostly barely positive scores, but are in the high fives, and you'll find some films that are in the rotten territory, but have scores in the sixes because the good reviewes are really great while the rotten reviews just are not that rotten.
04/18/2024 09:40:02 AM · #16
For the record- I loved the Village. M Night FTW!
04/18/2024 01:45:24 PM · #17
Holy crap a 20-year thread resurrection!
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